Counseling Career Center

Vision FPS scholars will graduate with mindsets and skills that support strong academic growth, inspire lifelong learning, and empower them to advocate for a healthy self and community.


Mission Statement The FPHS Counseling department will empower all students on their educational journey to graduation and beyond through data driven interventions that focus on academic rigor, career exploration, and social emotional development while cultivating an environment of belonging. School counselors will advocate for equity and access for students while collaborating with the school community, families, guardians, and all other important stakeholders.

Phone: 253-298-3834
Fax: 253-295-3019
Hours: 7:30am-3:00pm (Monday-Friday)
              11-11:30am -- Closed for Lunch

View videos made by our counselors here.


Jaime Fineman (Students A - E)  253-298-3902
  • Book appointments here
Letysha Plaskett-Rosario  (Students F - L)  253-298-3953
  • Book appointments here
Alyse Nelko (Students M - R) 253-298-3820
  • Book appointments here  PLEASE NOTE: Ms. Nelko is on leave until December. Appointments for her section of the alphabet should be booked through Sharon Gold, Counseling Office Coordinator.
JulieAnn Detweiler (Students S - Z & Running Start) 253-298-3901
  • Book appointments here


Sharon Gold (Counseling Office Coordinator) 253-298-3834
Aimee Bruinsma (College & Career Specialist) 253-298-3934
La-Keeshia Thomas (Data Manager/Registrar) 253-298-3977
Brooke Ducheneaux (School Psychologist) 253-298-3987
Colleen Moe (School Social Worker) 253-298-3903
Bonita Lee (Family & Community Partnership Coordinator) 253-298-3837