College & Career Readiness
One of our goals at Franklin Pierce High School is for all students to leave College and Career Ready. Career exploration requires not only an understanding of the training/education required, but also an awareness of each individual's interests and abilities and how those fit into a chosen career path. Through our Advisory program we assist students in creating a well-articulated plan for post-secondary training and provide various additional supports to ensure success. Listed below are some of the supports we provide.
We regularly have College & Career Reps on campus such as college admissions counselors, trades/career reps, and various branches of the military to provide our students with information regarding their programs and opportunities.
We also provide the opportunity for students to participate in a variety of college and career outreach programs including campus preview days, college fairs, multicultural conferences designed to encourage high school students to pursue higher education, career fairs that provide hands-on exploration of various careers and more.
The ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) is offered at FPHS on a yearly basis. It is a free, standardized test that determines eligibility to enlist in the military and which military careers a person might be a good fit for. It is also a career exploration program that helps students identify possible career choices based on their interests, values, talents and abilities. The ASVAB also serves as an alternate pathway to graduation for students that have not met the SBA requirements. While the test is provided and administered by the military, student scores are for personal and school use only and not utilized by the armed services without the student’s consent.
Our College & Career Specialist is located in the Counseling and Career Center on campus and is available to assist students with:
College research & applications
Apprenticeship/Trade School information
Connection to Military Recruiters and College Admissions Counselors
Financial Aid Applications to help pay for post-secondary education/training
Scholarship research & applications (such as the FP Foundation Scholarships just for Franklin Pierce students)
Community Service Opportunities
And more!